Stripping Down
Joy and I have been discussing ‘truth’. I say it is relative. She, being more one-minded and slightly more pure at heart says it is absolute (although, I don’t want to put words in her mouth). We like to check out Rob at to catch the drift of things. So, this song is for […]
The Art of Magic, Amber Reclining

I went to an opening the other night T’were my eyes were betwinkled by a lovely sight I had to watch to see if a blink she would make Alas, t’was not my gaze would stir her to wake Not a flutter to be made nor a glance toward me Closely I watched but no […]
A Question Answered for a Closet Atheist
Ask an Atheist: Longing for the Blue Pill Lyrics, got to love them. “Darlin do not fear what you don’t really know” Brett Dennen Accept the Mystery or wonder a lot. Either way what does it matter? Just don’t forget ‘Peace, Love’ And if you must hold on to something atheist then know, for a […]
The Tide of Our Life
If I could play a piano I would be making notes instead of words. I am words looking for melody. help me, help me. You know who you are. I love you. At the brink of insanity lies truth in vast supply Home was found in a land least explored A heart knows where to […]
August’s Lament Related
Encourage me toward propensity Remind today of life’s ungency Dissolve from me procrastination Ice my cake with inspiration Belief in myself, no holding back Of nothing important let me lack Courage and note of obliviousness Feed my ability to fully express To share with you my family And lovers and friends who true magic breed But loved ones […]
The Enigma of Happiness
We want to be happy. Are you? What makes happiness so elusive? Is it for others only? Lucky ones? Strong ones? Selfish ones? Is it someone else’s fault if we are not? So often we find ourselves in a close relationship with others. It is human. It is popular. It can be wonderful. It can […]
Staying Focused

I have quite a few thoughts to post. I am behind. For now, before I catch up, I will keep true to this blogs name, “Lyrical Life”. What would we do without the Moody Blues? Let this set of lyrics be a lead in to thoughts on keeping focused on your true life’s course, whatever that […]
There’s magic in your brain
Just by reading these words your brain is performing the most amazing magic: translating these squiggly lines into words that convey meaning. What an awesome invention writing is! How did those cavemen get along without it? And would their brains have performed the same magic if they had the opportunity? You’ve probably seen another neat […]
Spin Your Brain

I received this picture in an email claiming that the direction that you see the girl spinning indicates which side of the brain you are using. Clockwise means right brain and counterclockwise means left brain. It’s common knowledge that various functions of your brain are carried out by the different sides, based on how it […]
Celebration of Invasion
I went to the Art Museum of South Texas here in Corpus Christi for an opening the other night. As I was walking up to it from the back parking lot I was thinking about the wooden ship displayed outside of the Museum of Natural History which is next to the art museum. It was […]
Are We Paying Attention?
I am, more and more, seeing that the Here and Now is where our treasure waits. Get comfortable in your own skin and pay attention. And I feel the need to write about how we expend so much time/energy/expense to recreate ourselves. Computers, television, telephones, etc.; a few examples of recreating what we already do […]
Enthusiasm as Communication

This dog can teach you some new tricks on getting your point across.
A Few Words from August Moody
” If you find yourself alive, even if for a short time, live it up! And I don’t know of anyone who ever has more than a short time.” ” Remember that when you enjoy to mix in an equal portion of love, and visa versa. Don’t get too serious about one to forget the […]
Manifesting is too hard!
Joy to Steve: Steve to Joy: Again, it is too much to read. I get the impression that it is so much like all the other secrets revealed for a price. Sounds good but I don’t have enough interest or belief to even give it an honest try. I wantz the quick fix, the […]
A Crash or A Wonderful Journey?
Two emails bracketing a difficult day: 8:33 am Good Morning Joy, I made it in. I had already made the exit # 6, just cruising along listening to NPR, and something catches my eye back on the freeway to my left side. It is a black van rolling sideways, pieces flying and a large rag […]