Fine Young Talent

Joy’s nephew Phillip recently entered an art contest for Unschool kids. These kids are lucky to have parents that see to it that they learn, at home, in an unstructured format. I know there are exceptions but it seems that I have heard of many of these kids that excel beyond the norm. Phillip and […]

Using Blend Modes in Photoshop

When I put up my photo gallery, Valerie asked, “How about a little insight on the Stillness?” We had gone to Hermann Park one of many times, and shot pictures of birds on the water. It had more bushes in the background. I cropped it, and added 3 layers with different blend modes. I didn’t […]

A Few Words from August Moody

” If you find yourself alive, even if for a short time, live it up! And I don’t know of anyone who ever has more than a short time.” ” Remember that when you enjoy to mix in an equal portion of love, and visa versa. Don’t get too serious about one to forget the […]

Manifesting is too hard!

Joy to Steve: Steve to Joy: Again, it is too much to read. I get the impression that it is so much like all the other secrets revealed for a price. Sounds good but I don’t have enough interest or belief to even give it an honest try. I wantz the quick fix, the […]

A Crash or A Wonderful Journey?

Two emails bracketing a difficult day: 8:33 am Good Morning Joy, I made it in. I had already made the exit # 6, just cruising along listening to NPR, and something catches my eye back on the freeway to my left side. It is a black van rolling sideways, pieces flying and a large rag […]

Weekend Weirdness

Joy and I got weird this weekend. I’m talking about art, people! We discovered some new techniques for some interesting photography. Here are two examples involving digital collage. More to come soon. . The Sea of Love     .   Dream Catcher